Couples Therapy: Therapeutic Approaches, Techniques and Exercises

If you've been dating long enough, you'll eventually experience some difficulties in your relationship.

Couples Therapy: Therapeutic Approaches, Techniques and Exercises

If you've been dating long enough, you'll eventually experience some difficulties in your relationship. Couples therapy therapies aimed at keeping relationships on the right track may even prove beneficial for recently engaged couples. Since none of us are flawless, it may be worth our while to learn how to improve communication, trust others more, let go of grudges, or manage our emotions. 

Online couples counselling could be the perfect solution for you if this describes you. To find out more about couples therapy methods that have worked for thousands of couples just like yours, continue reading. Over 97% of couples questioned by The American Association of Marriage and Family feel that they were able to obtain what they needed by using one or more forms of couples therapy approaches. Use a few of the strategies listed below to learn how to strengthen your connection.

Various Couples Therapy Types

This is a kind of therapy out there that is ideal for you and your unique problems and requirements. There is no shortage of options when it comes to couples treatment procedures. You can be confident that you will discover the ideal relationship therapy method with your spouse. 

  1. Listening with reflection

A particular kind of couples therapy called reflective listening is helpful for partners who wish to improve their communication abilities. Communication can be substantially improved by being in a safe, healthy setting where each person takes turns being an active listener and allowing the other partner to speak freely. To find out more, see our tutorial on couple's communication activities. 

  1. Therapy centred on emotions 

In couples counselling, emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is a useful method. EFT can assist in recognizing harmful patterns in a partnership that start to obstruct attachments and eventually keep two individuals from connecting. Two individuals can start healing and bonding more positively if they concentrate on the patterns and behaviors that cause a distance in their relationship.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), around 75% of couples that use EFT find it to be beneficial and effective.

  1. The use of narrative therapy

In a highly particular type of therapy called narrative therapy, both partners tell stories about the issues they are having in their relationships. After that, they are urged to revise their narratives. Narrative therapy aims to assist couples in realizing that a single tale cannot adequately capture the entirety of their experience together.

When both individuals believe they have something to do with the breakdown of their relationship, narrative therapy is usually beneficial. When both partners believe they are failures and hence deserve a failing relationship, it might be an excellent therapeutic approach.

  1. Therapy with a solution-focused approach

Couples seeking treatment with a clear goal in mind for their relationship are best suited for solution-focused therapy. When attempting to achieve a short-term relationship goal, the strategy is beneficial. Instead of staying in one spot and focusing on the same difficulties, it assists couples in coming up with solutions to their problems.

  1. The Gottman Technique

Even in the midst of romantic difficulties, couples can develop a deeper knowledge of one another with the aid of the Gottman approach. The program attempts to provide couples with targeted problem-solving abilities that improve friendship and closeness between spouses. 

Many therapists have been trained to apply modified versions of the Gottman approach with couples in private therapy sessions, but it still uses live workshops and homework in the form of take-home training materials. 

  1. Relationship therapy with Imago (IRT)

Couples seeking assistance in identifying early events that have shaped their adult relationships can benefit from Imago relationship therapy (IRT). For instance, imago therapy can assist you in determining the cause of relationship anxiety or commitment problems. Couples might develop greater empathy and understanding for one another by delving deeply into childhood trauma.

Activities for Couples Therapy to Try

Exercises and activities that support understanding, deeper connections, forgiveness, or any other issue you're having trouble with in your relationship can be used to reinforce couples therapy strategies.

  1. Recognizing emotions

Relationship disconnects frequently result from our incapacity to accurately and promptly recognize our emotions. You can start to express your feelings more productively anytime you need to by learning how to do so in a safe space such as therapy.

  1. Concentrating on fixes

One strategy to develop solutions-oriented patterns that can improve your relationship is to resolve disagreements, divert undesirable behaviours, and concentrate on the positive aspects of your partnership.

  1. Examining historical records

It is not unusual for relationships in the future to be plagued by the past. Your current behaviour with your partner may be influenced by past trauma, unresolved fear, unfavorable behavioural patterns, or even hurt that makes it difficult for you to trust. 

You can start to mend and build a healthy relationship in the present and the future by taking a close look at your past and seeing any unhealthy habits you may have established. 

  1. Unity

By focusing on the positive aspects of alignment, you can better handle challenging situations or talks. This can be accomplished by connecting on a deeper level to strengthen your partnership so you can face and get through those difficult moments, or by drawing on memories and emotions from the beginning of your relationship, which is usually a joyous time.

  1. Appreciating Eachother

It's common knowledge that practicing thankfulness can lift your spirits and help you maintain perspective. According to research, expressing appreciation raises the hormone oxytocin, which has a calming and stress-relieving effect. 

You may start to build a relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and appreciation by communicating your thanks with your spouse on a regular basis and being honest about the things you appreciate about them.

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